Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne

Shmuel lived inside the fence during the Holocaust. Bruno lived on the other side. If you could change the end of the story, how would it end and why?


chasidi said...

If I were the author of the book , I would heave made Bruno tell Shmuel to crawl under the hole Bruno dug up and Bruno would have guided Shmuel the way out of the concentration camp .

Sasha said...

If i was the author to change the story i would have Bruno's mother find out what happened to him and why and then bruno's father wold feel ashamed and wished that he would let the Jews become free before Bruno got gased.I would do that because the ending will end peacefully and without war.

Jada said...

If I was the author , and I could change the ending of the " The Boy in the Striped Pajamas " , I would not have made Shmuel and Bruno die in the gas chamber because I would want a happy ending to the story .

Kenny said...

At the end I would have had Bruno ask his father to let Shmuel out of the concentration camp. And when he got out Bruno, Shmuel and his father would have looked for schmuels father.

alexis said...

if i was a author of this book, i would change the ending by not have to end so sad and put happiness in to it such as when bruno discovers the concentration camp that his best friend Shumel live in and does a lot of work at. and then they will survive from being gassed.

kyle said...

i would change it to Bruno's dad found them before he was gassed.

Anonymous said...

If I could change the end of the story I would have made it so that Bruno and Shmuel would have found his dad and crawled out and lived through the rest of the war. And lived happily ever after!

Chase said...

i think when bruno has second thoughts about finding shmuels father bruno should of left and took shmuel with him and hid him in his house without the soldiers and his father knowing.And him and his mom would leave and try to disguse shmuel as a reguler german boy.

Anaih said...

If I could change the ending of this story i would say that Bruno help his friend escape from the camp. When his mother asked who that was he would say that he was a homeless boy and his new friend.I would say that because then they could live and not died at the age of 8.

Mykeisha said...

If i can change the end Bruno would have lived because he pulled off his cap just in time and the solider reconized him but shmuel had no luck of getting out because he was jewish and died.

Casey said...

If I could change the end of the movie he would still go in with him, but the soldier that was at his house would see him and ask him what he was doing at the camp. then the soldier would blame Shmuel, but Bruno would step in and stop him from hitting him and giving him another black eye and they would both be saved.

Irie said...

If I could change the end of the story,I would do it by letting Bruno and Shmuel help find Shmuel's dad.When they find his dad,Bruno goes back home to find his mom dad and his sister crying and relieved that he's home.

Latrishe said...

i would change the ending by having Shmuel come on the side with Bruno and they both go and tell Bruno's mom and they become best friends. I would also change it by having Bruno's mom adopt Shmuel and Jewish people would become free again.

Diamond said...

if i was the author i would have Bruno bring an extra pair of clothes and give them to shmuel when he dug the hole and let shmuel go with bruno and they would go back to bruno's house and say he is just a regular kid but has nowhere to go or nothing to eat and ask bruno's mother can shmuel live with them

Amy said...

If I were the author, I would make Bruno help Shmuel escape the concentration camp and pretend as if Shmuel was German with the help of Bruno's mother. Then when the war is over, Shmuel can go back to being a Jew and find his lost father.

Noah said...

If I could change the story I would make it so Bruno and Shmuel don't die at all in the story I would make it so that Bruno and Shmuel escape from the gas chamber and don't die and Bruno leaves Shmuel but comes back everyday with food for Shmuel.

marquis said...

If i was the author i would change it so that Bruno and Smhuel got saved by Bruno's dad before they were killed by the gas.

Choice said...

If i was the author of " The boy in the striped pajamas" I wouldn't have let Bruno crawl under the fence, I would have let Shmuel go with bruno to live with his parents instead of dying in the gas chamber

Malik said...

If i was the author i would change the ending so shmuel crawled under the fence and escape and find out what happened to his father.

emily said...

If I was the author of the book, I would have changed that Bruno would dig a hole and make Shmuel go under it and they both don't die in the gas chamber. And they can live in Brunos house then his dad would fell sorry for trying to kill the jews.

Elisha said...

If i were the author of the book, i would have made Bruno dig a hole for Shmuel and Bruno would have took Shmuel to his house to play.And would have Bruno to change clothes.

Kayla said...

If I was the author of the book , I would have Bruno's mom take Shmuel in as a guest and raised him until the war is over . As the war came to a end Bruno dad understand what he son did to save a Jewish boy and he was proud of him .

Terrence said...

If I was the author of the book I would change the ending by letting Shmuel crawl under the fence that Bruno had made and then help Shmuel blend in by hiding him in Bruno's room until the war was over.

justin said...

if i was the author of the book,i would of never made bruno go across the fence.

faith said...

If were the author of the book , i would tell bruno to dig the hole for shmuel and go to bruno home so that he can become free and his mom will let him in the family but they have to hid him from the soldiers and bruno dad

Jada said...

If i could change the end of the story i would let bruno try to climb over the fence and try to take shmuel home with him. He wouldn't have to live that life that he's in having to wear pajamas and he could wear regular clothes. I would want him to get out of there so that he wouldn't get burned.

Mackala said...

If I was the author of the story " The Boy in the Striped Pajamas", I would have had Bruno and Shmuel find a way to escape out of the concentration camp, so they wouldn't die, and help Shmuel look for his dad.

dvonte said...

Well, if I was the author and I had to change the ending, and I was Bruno, I would go home and see if I could find anything I had to dig Shmuel from the other side of the fence.

Later,once Shmuel got across the gate, they would end up sharing clothes and hiding, so they won't get killed by the Nazis.

Tijai said...

If I was the author of the book , and I got to change the ending, I would say before Bruno went into the gas chamber, one of the soldiers saw him and said, "Halte! get over here, what are you doing?" Bruno got sent back to his home, and he got punished. Shmuel came with him. But Shmuel is a Jew so they faked it and said he was a German.

Xavier said...

If I were the author of the book, I would have changed the ending to they search for about an hour, and they come up on the gas chamber. They find out what happens to the people when they enter it. They see the people being forced into it, and one of those many people, is Shmuel's dad, so they run up to him and convince him to follow them back to the hole in the fence unnoticed. They dig a big enough hole for the three of them to get through. Bruno tells them that his dad is the person who runs the concentration camp, and that his mother doesn't approve of it. Bruno tells them that maybe his mother would clothe and feed them. They both agree and follow Bruno back to the house where he talks to his mother. She takes care of the two until he can convince his dad to talk to him. They talk to him and win over his vote to let them stay alive. His dad realizes that all people aren't bad and if you're going to take charge, you have to know when to stop!

Jazmin said...

If I was the author I would change the ending of " The Boy With the Strip Pajamas" so that Bruno would dig the hole and go in there, and goes looking for his father and found him. But they would have to come out at night so no one would see them. When it got dark they climbed out but the hole was to small for the dad but Shmuel and Bruno dig until he can fit. Then Bruno will hide them in the shed until the war was over. It should be a happy ending and not everyone should die and that friendship will always find a way.

BJ said...

if i was the author i would of ended the movie with Bruno he would of broke Shmuel out of the camp and he would of killed the Germans that tried to get Shmuel back to the camp and then Bruno dad would of came too and shot the German too then Shmuel would of ran too the store than than bruno and his dad would of been killing all of the german than they would of moved back too were they lived and brought Shmuel with them and they would of been rich and they would of had a big house n a maid and everything they ever wanted

Alexia said...

If I were the author of the book, I would have made Bruno dig a hole and tell Shmuel to crawl under the hole and then bruno could have took him to his house and soon the war would have ended Finally after the war is over Bruno family would have adapted Shmel and the family would have lived happy ever after.

Travuan said...

If i was the author of the story , i will make Bruno fight the soldiers and rescue Schmuel and he will find his father and all of the jewish people will be free..

Keon said...

If i was the author of the Boy in the Stripped Pajamas, I would change the ending to that Bruno and Shmuel escape from the camp. Also I would put that they live together for a long time like good friends do.

cierra said...

if i was to change the ending of the story shmule and bruno could've ran out while the soldiers wernt paying attention. also all of the jews were set free from the camp . after they escaped they went home told the mom and found the father of shmuel and live their lifes at a happy ending .

Mike said...

If I were the author of this book, I would have made bruno tell Shmuel to come through the hole with bruno
to go back home with bruno; but bruno should bring extra clothes with him for Shmuel so that he wouldn't be recognized by the Nazis.

Sage said...

If I were the author of The boy I the striped pajamas I would make Bruno dig a hole big enough for a person to fit in. Then I would make Shmuel crawl out of the concentration camp. After he gets out, they would run to Bruno' s house and get Shmuel dressed as if he were a normal German kid. Then his father would let Shmuel stay with them until the war was over. When they could find Shmuel' s father and reunite each other.

Kirsten said...

If I was the author I would of changed the ending, to Bruno's mother would some how find Shmuel mother and talk to her and tell her that her little boy was missing and that Shumuel and Bruno were friends. Shumuel's mother would tell her what happened and then Bruno's mother would run back to the house and tell her husband what had happen to there little boy. The father would go looking and find there son in the chambers.

Damian said...

If I were the author, I would have ended the story with Shmuel and Bruno to live. When they lived I would have had them go through the hole again, and run home instead of staying in there looking for his parents.They would not get burned and have to go back in there.

Austin said...

I think the end of the story should of ended with Shmuel escaping with Bruno and changing what Shmuel looks like so that he doesn't have to be in the concentration camp and he can live with out knowing he is going to die in the gas chamber. Bruno should of gave him some of his close so he can escape and then Bruno cover up the hole they made in the ground. They find his dad outside of the camp ground. Shmuel and his father should live out on the streets or in the woods and build shelter. and every day Bruno will bring them food and make them items for them to stay warm if its cold out side.But if they live in the woods he would get them a survival pack including a Lighter,Food,Knifes, etc..

INESHA said...

If i was the author of the book i would've change bruno into help Smhuel get out off the fince and come with him and take him away from the camp. Than help him find his father!

Shakara said...

If I was the author, I would change the ending so when bruno dug the hole he could have taken Shmuel with him. And I would also have a happy type of ending like the Jews and the Germans settle their differences and become friends instead of enemies.

ASIA said...

If I was the author of the book, I would make Bruno and Shmuel find their way out of gas, and they would find Shmuel,s dad when they get out of the gas. And Bruno,s dad will stop fighting for the Germans and become friends with Shmuel,s dad.

Simone said...

If i could change the ending, the boys would find the dad and he would be about to die. They both drag him out of there, and Bruno would jump back over and run home, get some water, and threw some of it on the dads face. When he wakes up and says 'Son' what are we doing getting out of here' ? His dad crawls out and then Smhuel goes under then they all escape, go to a free land and live happily forever.

Daniqua said...

Okay,If I were the author and i could remake the ending, I would have Bruno help Shmuel get out of the camp by digging Shmule out over night.

Then Bruno would bring Shmuel to Bruno's house, up to his room & give him a pair of Bruno's clothes.

The next morning, Bruno's family would ask Bruno "Who is this young boy sleeping in your room?"
Bruno would say "He's my new best friend. He was on our door step last night when you all went to sleep." and ask"Mom,Dad; can you adpoted Shmuel?"

Then persuade Bruno's Mom & Dad.
That is what i would do.....

Antonio said...

If I was the author of the book.I would let the two boys find the dad. Later on in the story the Dad and Shmuel would die at the end.

divine said...

If i was the author i what have made Shmuel dug a hole an made bruno crawl under and what have hide him

Jesse said...

If I could change the ending would be like this.... Shmuel would escape with Bruno, and they would run away and live in a old cabin. And they would live together. THE END!!!!!! =)

N'Dea . said...

If I were the author of the book , and i could change the end of the story i would find a way to help Shmuel out of the camp . Then Shmuel and Bruno would tell someone about the concentration camps . Shmuel and Bruno would tell someone about the camps , and then the rest of the Jews would be free , !

Jeffery said...

Shmuel's dad went back to get his son and found Bruno there with his son. So they crawled under the fence and they ran off into the woods. Then they met one of the resistance people who took them to one of the secret hiding spots until they could get across the water in the boats.

Melody said...

If i were the author of the book, I would make Bruno bring extra clothes of his to Shmuel. So then, Shmuel would be able to change into Bruno's other clothes and Shmuel would crawl under the fence and Bruno would lead him out of the camp. Then, Shmuel and Bruno would both look for his dad and lead Shmuel's dad out of the camp and they would be free.

N'Tayia said...

If I was the author of the book, I would have Bruno find a way where Shmuel and Bruno find a way were they can be friends and that the fence wouldn't be between them. And Bruno could find clothes for him to wear so he wouldn't wear the same thing everyday.

john said...

if i was the author of boy in the stripe pajamas i would have bruno tell his mother about his friend and have Bruno's lie and say that Shmuel was here son and convince the soldiers that shmuel is german

Darrien said...

If I was the author Shmuel would be able to esape from the camp and be friends with Bruno.

Calvin said...

If I was the author, I would say Bruno follow Shmuel to the gas chamber and find out where his dad was.Then maybe they will escape from that cocentration camp.

Justice said...

Schmel in the concentration camp will get out because Bruno will get him out by digging a hole for him and then a soldier will kill the two boys. THE END!!!! :)

Kenneth said...

If I were the author I would have made Bruno dig a hole so they both can leave. They go back to Bruno's house and then live happily ever after.

shaiheim said...

If I was the author of this book, I would help Shmuel to escape from there. Then I would have the soldiers find them, and then they would die.

Christine said...

If I was the author,I would say Bruno went to tell his dad he had found a new friend to play with and he wears striped pajamas and he's my age and i want to play with him and his dad says"NO, he's the enemy you are not allowed to see or play with him no more"then Bruno finds away to get Shmuel out of the camp and takes him to live together on the road


Rebecca said...

If I was the author of the book, i would have Bruno tell Shmuel that he would come into the concentration camp and tell him that Bruno will help him find his dad. But Shmuel and Bruno have to be carful and if they get caught in a group Shmuel and Bruno will have to stay to the outside of the group. If they see a metal chamber ahead and they dont know what is in the chamber they will have to stop and run away. The officers could have something bad in the chamber. After the 2 days they spent in the concentration camp bruno doesnt find Shmuel's dad then they have to go back to the fence and bruno and Shmuel will have to run and go under the fence to get out. Bruno and Shmuel will run home and get Bruno's dad and tell him to not put Shmuel back into the concentration camp because Bruno just made a friend.

keshawn said...

if i was the author of the book,i would say Bruno and Shmuel got through the gas chamber safely and they found Shmuel's father and then they went back to Bruno's house and Bruno's mother was afraid that Bruno was dead and then Bruno expalin what happen and then they lived happy as ferinds.

josh said...

If i were the author of the story I would change the ending of the story. The ending would start off like this as the others entered the gas chamber Bruno and Shmuel managed to escape back to the fence unseen. When they arrived they were able to escape out the camp and get to safety at Bruno' s house. As they entered the house they he not expecting for armed soldiers to be there waiting for them. As they turned around they were surrounded by soldiers then a gun shot goes off.

Vincent said...

If I were the author of the book, I would make the ending a little decent at least. I would probably make Bruno and Shmuel use their clothes to hold their breath while the room becomes gassy. While the room was filled with dead bodies, they could cloak themselves with other people's blood''(Which is really,really,really,REALLY disgusting!!!!!!),pretending to be dead. After the soldiers fall for the really cheesy trick,they will sneak out of a waste chamber and then head home. When Bruno's dad finds out that his fellow soldiers put his son in a room filled with yucky smelly gas, his dad takes out his ugly looking gun and starts shooting the soldiers. Later, he gets captured and was never seen again. BUT, his family adopts Shmal, THE END(cheesy).

Justin said...

If i could Change The End of The Book I would Have Let Bruno And Shmuel Would Have Been Together and both would have been free

Azia said...

If i was the author of the book i would change the ending by keeping shmuel and bruno from being burned in the gas chamber..really really REALLY sad..''tears''

Lorenzo said...

At the end i will let bruno find his Father so they get out of there and be safe. And the father would take Shmuel and Bruno somewhere safe.

jamonte said...

if i was the author of the book,i would have had shmuel to get out of the fence and find his dad

michael said...

If i were the author of this book i would put it that shmuel and bruno find shmuels dad and they go to the hole bruno dug up and shmuel and his dad go to safety in a nazi free country

Raysaynn said...

If I was the author i would make the end of the story as if the boys shmuel and bruno ran out before the door shut.

Larry said...

If i was the author and i could change the ending.I would of made it that Bruno had stayed over where Shmuel in the concentration camps so that they would neither be lonely in the two groups.Or i would change the ending by making that Shmuel would make his wy over to where Bruno was and they could be together ther and be best friend.

Micah said...

If I could change the end of the story I would have made bruno and his family escape from the concentration camp and pretend like they were not Jews

Azure said...

I would let Shmuel the come out the hole and i would guided him to my family.

D'aundre said...

IF i was the author i would ended the story by Bruno and Shmuel escaping out of the room. They went over to the fence without being seen.Then both live some were where they will not get into trouble.

gabby said...

If i was the author of this story then i would have changed the end of the story, and this is how it would go. well it would start off when Bruno went under the fence with Shmuel. Then they go into the gas chamber looking for Shmuels dad. Then they find him. When they found him Bruno, and Shmuel go back under the fence to Brunos houe for safty so all the other soldiers wouldn't find them, and wouldn't have known that they were there to begin with. When they get back to Brunos house they didn't know that there would be armed soldiers there waiting for them, and waiting to talk to them.

Nasheed said...

If I was the author of the book, I would have made Bruno go through his dad's stuff while he was working and found out what was going on. Then Bruno could have saved Shmuel and a couple of other jews without any body knowing about it.

kyarah said...

I think Bruno and Shmuel shouldn't have died because both of them was just little and losing a son is heart breaking. They could have lived and that bruno should have took Shmuel some where safe after he dug the hole.

keasia said...

if i could change the end this is how i would change it:

as they all were shoved squished into the large but small room and as the lights turned off and the door slammed they new something was not right, then suddenly a whole in the roof opened up and poison began to fall bruno and shmuel were able to make there way into a tiny corner there was a whole in the wall they took turn taking in the fresh air so that the poison would not be taking in by there lungs they held there breath and when all was over they played dead and when there bodys were takin out of the room they lay here for a minet to make shore no one was looking and made a run for it

Shannon said...

If I were the author I would have written the ending like this. "As i heard the metal doors close I grabbed Shmuel's hand and ran as fast as I could. We barely made it out the door when guns started going off, Shmuel and I ran right and left trying to avoid the numerous bullets. We ran in between the shacks finally made it to the fence. I changed my clothes and went back through the hole under the fence, Shmuel turned his clothes inside-out to hide the stripes. We ran as fast as our legs could carry us to my house, we ran into the front door and up the stairs. Shmuel changed into some of my old clothes and packed some food in a pillowcase. He left my house without anyone knowing, and that was the last time I had ever seen my Shmuel, the last time I had ever seen my best friend."

Dominique said...

If I was the author of this story I would have made Shmuel dig a hole to the last spot that he saw his dad so that he could find him. Bruno could help.

Tyara said...

If I was the author I would let Bruno still crawl under the fence. I would have clothes for Shmuel and his father. They found Shmuel's father, and they would run to the hole and crawl under there with Shmuel and his father.

Josiah said...

If I were the author of the story, I would have Bruno and Shmuel escape. They went through the crowd and went away from the gas chamber. They decide to hide from the Germans and then Bruno's dad dresses up like one of the Jews. His dad distracts the Germans and the boys dig there way out.

Travis said...

If I were the author, I would let Bruno and the boy in the striped pajamas dig a hole on the other side of the gate and hide. They run back to Bruno's house and they tell Bruno's mom that he just helped Shmuel escape from the concentration camp. His mom freaked out and she helps to hide Shmuel.

Starr said...

If I was the author of this story, I would have made Bruno and Shmuel escape before they go in the gas chamber. I would make them run under the fence. Then I would make them go to Bruno's home. Bruno's going to tell his mom and dad that this is a friend of mine that I have been seeing. His parent's let Shmuel stay and live with them.

Diamoni said...

If I were the author I would make Bruno find a way to get on the other side. Like digging a hole or breaking it down with super strength or something like that.

tiana said...

At the end of the story i would nock the fence down or have one of them crawl under.