I would invent a robot so we wouldn't have to do chores and we could kick back and relax while it cooks and cleans and does all of our work we don't want to do.
if i could invent something I would invent a device that helps you pick out clothes. Say if I wanted to find an outfit for a ball i would type it into the machine and let it pick out an outfit. Then it would take out the outfit on a hanger and you just take the outfit put it on and go to where ever you were going to. The reason why I think this would help our country is because of all the people who struggle to find an outfit and wind up running late to what ever they were going to .
My invention would the ''The Clone Machine''.It gives you a hand around the house. You just clone yourself and your clone will help you what ever you need help with
If i could come up with an invention it would probably be a machine for people who have cancer in any part of there body.They would go through it kinda like a cat scan they would do it a certain amout of times and hopefully come out without cancer
i would invent a cleaning object to help america not struggle with the cost of cleaning prouducts. This invention would help us not get sick with the waste that comes with this horrable, sikking cleaning prouducts and it would help out alot with all of thing like that...
If I could invent something i would invent a clothing rack.......... Like If u wanted some cloths u would order them, then i would get the order, then i will make them for free if u were in really bad need and if u had like $100, then i would charge about $5...... Dont come in my store and try to robe it!!!!!!!!!
If I could make a new invention I would build a clothing machine.There would be a light in a hole and you would have to put the clothes under the light and it would be a fan coming from the light and it would dry the clothes.
if i could invent something to help it would be some thing to help clean the air i would call it an air saver it would clean the air even if it got really really dirty
If i could invent something i would invent a special device,that you get money off of.because it's a lot of poor people out here that need a house or money to buy a house to help out there family,and then i would be rich. Therefore i could help raise more money for this school.I pick the money maker because i hate seeing poor people and people just treat them like dirt.So people would probally be greatful if they get a lot of money and not so uptight.
i would make a computer skilled chef i would program seasons in the system so when ever i would get hungry and say my mom went on vacation i would have to make my own food i would be lazy and wouldn't want to do all of the work o i'll just say i i want and it would make it
My invention would be a timemachine. A timemachine would be useful for good reasons,because you could get in trouble and go back and saveself from getting in trouble.
If i could create an invention it would be the electric remote that has buttons that help paralyzed people be able to do move,and do things that they cant do.
i would make a invention that can be used for anything such as to travel faster and cure disease and any other thing like dishes and cleaning your room and the best thing is it all goes on a key chain and when u need it u just say what u need and it does exactly that so u have to be careful
If I was told to invent something to help our country, I would invent something to help the world.I would make a solar powered house so we don't have to burn so many fossil fuels to use electricity.
The helping hand where it can can help you to clean up or if you have a garden it can help you plant and all of that other stuff
I would create a automatic lawn mower it would shorten the time on mowing lawn
I would make a teleportation device and it will make it easy to travel or move goods.
I would invent a robot so we wouldn't have to do chores and we could kick back and relax while it cooks and cleans and does all of our work we don't want to do.
if i could invent something I would invent a device that helps you pick out clothes. Say if I wanted to find an outfit for a ball i would type it into the machine and let it pick out an outfit. Then it would take out the outfit on a hanger and you just take the outfit put it on and go to where ever you were going to. The reason why I think this would help our country is because of all the people who struggle to find an outfit and wind up running late to what ever they were going to .
i would invent gum that will never lose its flavor it would help the country because it will let people stop there smoking habits.
My invention would the ''The Clone Machine''.It gives you a hand around the house. You just clone yourself and your clone will help you what ever you need help with
If i could come up with an invention it would probably be a machine for people who have cancer in any part of there body.They would go through it kinda like a cat scan they would do it a certain amout of times and hopefully come out without cancer
i would invent a car that ran on bubbles. it would help decrease smoke in our city's and it would help our ecosystem
I would create a car that would not pollute the earth so we can have fresh air.
i would invent a cleaning object to help america not struggle with the cost of cleaning prouducts. This invention would help us not get sick with the waste that comes with this horrable, sikking cleaning prouducts and it would help out alot with all of thing like that...
I would create a money machine. It could change paper into real American money, therefor nobody would be homeless and poor.
if i could invent something i would invent a new type of paper so tht we would stop useing trees so we can get more air
my invention would be a batterie charged car.You would never have to use coal and that would help our invirment.
i would create a hubercraft so people can travel faster and change the way that people drive.so people can fly there way home
I will create a motorcycle that creates no pollution
a hover chair that floats so we can go to classes without leaving our chairs
i would invent a chip you could put in your brain and you would know everythaing.so know body could correct you.
My invention would be the clean-up 2000.It would help
people clean-up faster.
I would make a hover car so if it is traffic the hover car could fly over the traffic
If I could invent something i would invent a clothing rack.......... Like If u wanted some cloths u would order them, then i would get the order, then i will make them for free if u were in really bad need and if u had like $100, then i would charge about $5...... Dont come in my store and try to robe it!!!!!!!!!
If I could make a new invention I would build a clothing machine.There would be a light in a hole and you would have to put the clothes under the light and it would be a fan coming from the light and it would dry the clothes.
if i could invent something to help it would be some thing to help clean the air i would call it an air saver it would clean the air even if it got really really dirty
If i could create a new invention it would be a homework machine so i can play my games while the machine do my homework
I would make a robot so it can clean my house and do other stuff while my family is gone
If i could invent something i would invent a special device,that you get money off of.because it's a lot of poor people out here that need a house or money to buy a house to help out there family,and then i would be rich. Therefore i could help raise more money for this school.I pick the money maker because i hate seeing poor people and people just treat them like dirt.So people would probally be greatful if they get a lot of money and not so uptight.
i would make a computer skilled chef i would program seasons in the system so when ever i would get hungry and say my mom went on vacation i would have to make my own food i would be lazy and wouldn't want to do all of the work o i'll just say i i want and it would make it
My invention would be a timemachine. A timemachine would be useful for good reasons,because you could get in trouble and go back and saveself from getting in trouble.
i would create an machine that could produce any kind of food faster
I would make a money making machine so you can have all the money you need
i would create a car that will not pollute the earth
I would invent a power car so that people would save money and stop polluting the air!!!!!
If I made an invention I would make a cure for the common cold,canser,and viruses
If i could create an invention it would be the electric remote that has buttons that help paralyzed people be able to do move,and do things that they cant do.
i would make a invention that can be used for anything such as to travel faster and cure disease and any other thing like dishes and cleaning your room and the best thing is it all goes on a key chain and when u need it u just say what u need and it does exactly that so u have to be careful
It would be something that would make hot water hot
automatic, so we can conserve water.
If I was told to invent something to help our country, I would invent something to help the world.I would make a solar powered house so we don't have to burn so many fossil fuels to use electricity.
i would invent a a jet powered skateboard to help kids travel faster
It will be a street cleaner because every time i go outside the street is full with trash and on the side walks and that's what i will invent.
The Helping of hands where anything that you do it would help all worksers round the world by help clean up trash and fixing oil spills.
the four arms.A machine designed similar to arms. Made for people who are paralyzed.
I will build a cleaning robot to help with cleaning when you don't have the time.
if i could i would invent a magical door that when you walk though it you teleport where ever you want to go
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