Tuesday, March 30, 2010

If you were Rosa Parks and the bus driver asked you to get off the bus, what would you do?


Jaun'te said...

If I was Rosa Parks and the driver said get off. I would just sit there.Then we he trys to take me off the bus.Then I would push him off of me.Finally he would get the police and they would ask me why did I not get up and i would say bnecause I have worked a long day and I am very tried.

Manaia said...

If I were on the bus and the bus driver asked me to get I would simple say no. I would tell him I already paid my fair so what's the point of getting off if i don't get my money back. In the past if he asked to moved for a white person and he already got a seat I would still say no because he got his seat so what's the of point of moving now.

Bryce said...

I would ask why is it because I am black.I would stay seated.Until the police took me off the bus.

Garrett said...

I would run away from the cops then sit in the front seat the next day. Then I would keep doing it until I eventually get caught. Then i would just stop riding the bus. Then they will start losen money becuase i ride the bus every day after work then i would try to get more an more people to do it with me.

Jackson said...

i would just get off the bus and do what he says so i would not be arrested. I would only do that because there is always someone who changes the way we live like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks.

TAYlor => said...

I would ask why i had to move my seat. Then like rosa i would handle the problem calmly and quietly. After that i would sit quietly in my seat and feel proud of what i just did.

Brianna said...

If I was Rosa Parks on the bus I would say "I can sit wherever I want!" But I would just sit there and let him call the police. I will just do my sentence and pay the fine.

monte said...

If somebody said I couldn't sit in that set, I would say I will not get out of this set I was here first.then if I get arrested I would never get on the bus.

Kylahni said...

Now Rosa handled this situation very well.Me on the other hand i probably would have been yelling and screaming telling the bus driver that I just wasn't going to get off of that bus. But i know that my way was wrong and I wish o could've handled the situation as well as Rosa did.

Justin said...

If i were Rosa Parks I would have stayed on the bus. She did an we can all ride the bus together equaly. I would refuse to say no they could have got anybody I would have stillsayed no

michael said...

I would get off the bus because I would not want to be arrested.It would be really mean.

Bj said...

If I was Rosa Parks I would have moved.I would have told the man that just because I am black does not mean anything.I was always told that you can not judge a person by the color of their skin

Austin said...

If i was Rosa Parks i would just sit there and not pay attention to them, Even if they where yelling at me.I wouldn't care if the police arrested me.I would just get off the bus and go back home. :)

natasha said...

If i was on the bus i would get up and stand on the top stairs. And ask him why cant I sit there it is too crowed in the back so i want to sit. And then if they say am going call police call the police.

Raysaynn said...

If I was Rosa Parks and the bus driver told me to move or get off the bus. I would say no and stay where I am.
just like Mrs Rosa Parks. It will influence others

Tamia said...

If the bus driver ask me to get off the bus.And I would stay and wait for the police.And I would say I tried and I am going to stay right there.

Vincent said...

If I was Rosa Parks,and if the bus driver told me to get off of the bus,I would say ''Boy, you better drive this bus,I've been working and working and working and IT IS DRIVING ME CRAZY,DANG IT! Now, drive this segragated piece of crap before I have to hurt somebody!'' Well,that's it.

malik said...

If i was Rosa Parks and someone told me to get off i would not move. I would ask why and can i get my money back. Then If the cops come im going to run away from them.

ChAsIdI=/* said...

I would react just like Rosa Parks did.I would stand my ground and say "I am tired of how you treat colored people so I am not going to get up from this seat.".I won't even mind if they would arrest me as long as they let colored and white people at least integrate on the public buses.

Kenny said...

If I was Rosa Parks and the bus driver told me to get of f I would say no. Then I would say you better give me my money back and that man better be important or something. And when the cops come I would run like crazy and take the bus keys.

Michelle said...

If i was rosa parks and the driver said get off the bus i would just stay there. If the police asked why didn't move i would just turn my head. And then i will just tell them to take me to jail.

Jacob said...

If I was Rosa Parks I would ask them why i have to get off first. Then if they say why and its reasonable I would just get off and ride another bus.

Dajaun said...

I would refuse to get up from my seat. Because i paid and the other person already got their seat so i wouldn't get up.Then when i got arrested i would just stop riding the bus.

jalen said...

if i were rosa parks i would would tell the bus driver why and then i'll say that i didn't harm any one so i still have the rights to remain seated until the police come

Xe'Von said...

The first thing I would do was ask him why if I in the black seats. Then I would just sit there. When the policy came I would get off

Aaliyah =) said...

If I was Rosa Parks I would say "Why do I have to move,what's wrong with me sitting here and a white person sit beside me?". If he then grabbed me I would tell him to get his hands off me because he doesn't know me that well.If the police tried to pull me off and arrest me,I would answer "Why do I have to get off when I all ready paid and the back door is too crowded." (Plus I thought the back door is only supposed to be for emergencies!)Also,if they put their hands on me I'll tell them to get their nasty hands off me because I don't know where their hands have been!!

Meji said...

If I was on a bus where the driver asked me to move from a seat for a white person I simply would not move.Then the police officers would obviously come and ask me why I would not move.My answer would simply be"Why should I move if we are all the same,the only difference is the color of our skin.If he really wanted to sit he could just sit by me."And after I did what I did I would feel very proud.

Rebekah said...

If I was in Rosa's place I would ask the driver why shall I.We are all the same,what is the difference.There are seats right over there beside me when someone comes I might move but is there another person coming.And there was none there behind him so I shall not move.But he called the cops over anyway.

Matthew said...

I was rosa I would say no. And ask myself am I doing the right thing. Then I would stay until the police were right.

Gregory said...

If I was Rosa Parks and the bus driver told me to get off the bus. I would get up and go to the back of the bus. Then I would mind my own business.

Esmeralda said...

I would ask why I would have to get off the bus. I already paid my toll so I shouldn't have to get off the bus.Why should four people have to get for just one person anyways?I would have told him to wait until somebody got on the bus to sit there not before anyone rides.

cory said...

If I was rosa parks I wont get up because I did it do nothing then if he try to call 911 I well try to explain what happen if they dont listen then I will get up. Then they might say its to late so they will arest me.

*Jada* said...

I would refuse. Also, I would say I aint scared of the police. The white people back then were dumb and childish NOT TRYING TO BE RACIST. But now these days they are nice.

(*antonio*) said...

i would stay on the bus and tell him no. Then when the police comes i would not let them arrest and if i get arrested i would tell them that the reason i did not get up is because i should'nt have to get up because of my color so a different person can sit in my seat

nathan said...

I were Rosa Parks I would just sit and ignore that wierdo driver.And he would call the police I would just it's a rip off for aresting a seated person.Also I would tell me give me back my money cause I wasn't going to just give away my money for free when I can't even ride seriously.

Xavier said...

If i were on the bus i would stay on the bus. Then if he asked me again i would say "why don't I have a million dollars, why am i not the president. These are all good questions so why don't you go drive the bus mister bus driver man?

Emani :-) said...

If I was Rosa Parks and the bus driver told me to get off the bus I would have said to him "Boy mind your business. Also I paid just like everyone else on this bus of hatred of blacks! I refuse to get out off my seat mister racist!"

xavier said...

i will get off and get my money back. Then i will wait for the next bus . then i will walk to work and if we can't do that then i will go to court.

Anton said...

If I was Rosa Parks, I would not get off the bus because the bus drivers cant tell me what to do and not kick me offthe bus.

Mackala said...

If i was ask to the move to the back of the bus,I would stand up for myself and do what right for all african american.

Meah said...

If i was Rosa Parks and they told me to get off the bus i would of just sat there and not get up because thats not fair that i have to get to get up when i already paid and sat in a seat

Shonta said...

1.If they ask for me to get off i would have looked a them like something wrog with me.

2.Also if they say get off i would have refuse they would have to drag me off.

3.I would say no i"m getting tired o ff this now im protestin.

carley said...

If i were Rosa Parks i would not of have done what he said cuz i will fight for what i think is right! And you just cant kick me off the bus cuz im black. And i would have boycotted the rules. You will not tell me what to do. Cuz i'm a grown women!!

Kelli :P said...

If I was Rosa Parks and the bus driver told me to get off the bus, I would just sit there and say no. I would want everyone to have equal rights. If I would get arrested it would be okay to me. I would just know that I did the right thing by sitting there saying no. No one would put their hands on me by pulling my coat or something else. And if someone would suggest that I was tired, their wrong.

Jhaee said...

I would ignored him.
I wouldn't have got up
And i would have said the same to the police

Ryan said...

i would have said NO! if he said he was going to call the cops i wouldn't move or say anything. when the cops get their and say get up i would still say NO!

shakara said...

1.if i was rosa parks i would had told him off
2.then i would of said i already paid my money so im goin to sit here
3.then if the police would had came i would had told them what i believed and i would have to do the time i for what ibelevied in.

Justinia said...

If iI was Rosa Parks i wold have got up because it needs to be a change in the world for blacks and whites to come together. But if would not have got up there would be no change in the world like it is now. But i also would have goin to jail because there should be a change for blacks and whites to come together and become friends with each other instead of being split up and blacks and whites have o go to differnt schools.

Deja said...

If i was on that bus back in the day i would tell them no. I would also say what you want me to get off because i am black. Then i would stay seated also i would tell them they can arrest me because i did not move and then i would just still sit there. Because back in the day black people should have the right to do anything that they want. Also they should of have not had slaves back in the day because back in the day everyone could of have did anything thing but different people controlled us so we could not do do any of those things. That is what i think should of have happened back in the day also i would not listen to any of those people and would not let them tell me what to do.

:) knija[$$] said...

if i was rosa park i wouldn't have moved.i would've told him that i can sit where ever i want . and asked him why because Im black. there's no reason i should move i got on the bus before that white man did. he came in stood up so obviously he doesnt have a problem with standing up . so if he said he'll call the police go head .

Tabitha said...

If I was rosa parks and someone told me to get off the bus I would act like I was asleep. Or I would just look out the window and and act like I did not hear him. IF he kept telling me to get off the bus I would tell him stop talking to me because you never talked to me.

J'Quan said...

If I were Rosa Parks "When The bus driver said move"I would of Said"Why"Is it because of My color?"If It Is well I, Not gonna move" ."This is a free country"This is america". I would've stared at him every time he told me to move.

Airious said...

If i were asked to get off the bus after paying my fair i would say its just a bus there are plenty more seats for everyone i will not get off.I would say that because i've probably have had such a a tiring day. I m also tired of serving a white man.

Amber said...

If i was Rosa Parks i would say no. Because i have as much rights as the white man did. and for the man to put his hands on me that was wrong.

alaia said...

If i was Rosa Parks and the bus driver told me to get off, i would stay on the bus because i am already on the bus and paid my money so there is no reason for me to get off.

Nakita said...

If I was Rosa Parks and the driver said to move I would just sit there and let him get the police to take me to jail or wherever I wouldn't care at all.

Damian said...

If I was Rosa Parks I would just sit there. If you want me to get off go get the police then I would get off . If you don't I will not get off.I would not want to go to the back.

bethany said...

If i were Rosa Parks and the bus driver asked me to move out of my seat,i would say why should i get outta my seat just because of my race.Im just like any other white person and i should ahev a choice where i wanna sit the white people get to choose where they wanna sit im just like any other human so go ahead and call the police and have me arested cause im gonna sit where i wanna or ill walk or take a cab and i wont waste my money on these racis bus drivers busses

Brandon said...

I would tell the bus driver you are not the boss of me and you do not own me.

josh said...

I would just stay seated and ask why do I have to move from this seat.Because it makes know sence for me to move if I was already there.

Amy said...

If I were Rosa Parks, I would definitely stood up for what i believed in. I would not give up my seat either. The bus driver doesn't have the right to tell me what i have to do.

Jannellys said...

I would just ignore the bus driver because is not right to segragate on a colored person.There is no point of moving because you are still going to be in the bus.

ERIC said...

i would stay were . I and not leave . I would have my dignity

LeAnn said...

If i was Rosa Parks I will not do as the bus driver said. I will fight for my right! You should be able to sit were ever you want on the bus it doesnt matter if ur black.! I wouldn't care if i got arrested because i know i am doing the right thing and i will do what ever it takes for every one to have there rights

Donyell said...

if i was Rosa Parks i would just get off the bus because i would not like to get hurt

Brandon said...

I would tell the bus driver you are not the boss of me. You do not own me. i would tell him i do not care if you get the cops and go to jail there is a seat right next to me he or she can sit there.

Jasmine said...

If i was Rosa Parks and the bus driver said get off the bus i will say no. Then i will just sit there the police come. Then say why because i am black, then go to jail.

Kiana said...

If I were Rosa Parks I would have, stayed seated and just wait for the police to take me off the bus, and I would not walk off the bus in shame, I would have walked off the bus with pride, and with respect and honor in the future and everyone, would remember my name.

karleetha said...

IF I was Rosa Park and the bus driver told me to get off the bus I would ask him is he talking to me. and he said yes. and I would had said I don't know who you talking to but you aint't my mama. so you better get out my face. and then I would have got of the bus.

Jesse :D said...

i would do the same thing as Rosa Parks. also if the bus driver grab me like that i would go to jail for murder. i would have every right to set there.

tommy said...

I would set there because I have the right to sit anywhere I want to sit . Also nobody should tell me where I should set unless it is my parents or THE M.E.N. up stars

nate said...

I would probably say no. then the police wuold come and try to get me off the bus.i wouldnt refuse being arrested and i would go to jail.

carlyn said...

if the bus driver asked me to get off the bus and i had already paid i would say why do i have to get off the bus you got three other sits over there and then if he said he was oing to have me put off the bus i would tell hem he could do what ever he liked

noah said...

If I was Rosa Parks I would have gotten off the bus. But before I got off the bus I would have asked for my money back. I would not have not wanted to go to jail.

Daryl said...

I would look the other way & pretend I did not hear him. Then when the cops came I would be taken to jail.

robert said...

i would say no because all they do is push us around and i will wait for the police to get me off

markayla said...

If i were rosa and the bus driver told me to get up ,i would have sat there because blacks have every right as whites. were just a different race .It's not right how we get treated unfairly

Ra'Quan said...

If I was Rosa Parks and the bus driver told me to get up from those sets. I would not get up I would tell him that i'm tired of whites telling me what to do.And then I would wait until he calls the cops and tell them the reason why i'm not moving.

lorenzo said...

i would stay right there if he tell me to get up. Then if he tells me he going to get the police I'm going to say go get them because I'm tired.

jasmine said...

i would have just got up and went and sat in the back like everbody else so there wont have been any prolems

Naomi said...

If i was rosa parks and the driver asked me to get off the bus, i would say no. The then if the police asked me why i would say," why do you ask me to get up,why do you not like me because of my skin tone,why do you stand be for me and tell me that i have no right to sit here ,I will be this way today ,tomorrow, next week, and next year. So ypu can arest me ,You can through me in jail, but you will never be a better person at the end of the day ,nor tomorrow ,and next week . You shall rue this day .Trust me when i get off this bus things will truly change, and you can count on that!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Devonte said...

if i were Rosa Parks and the bus driver asked me to get off the bus.I would get off the bus and get my money back from the bus driver and start a boycott.

Kiterra said...

If I was Rosa Parks I would have said can you please leave me alone beacuse this crazy mess is not fair at all,you white people are just so mean and it's very dumb how the way yall treat black people. Then i would have said you need to just drive this bus to where everybody needs to go, so you can make you some money and try your best to leave black people alone which you cant do for some reason we are are humans too just like white people and that's all i would say. Thank you..

G@bE said...

I would just sit there and say i have rights just becuase im black. And when the police gets on the bus and askes me to get off i would have to.

:) talaiya said...

If I was Rosa i would have just sat there. Then they ask me again i would have said no and do not ask me again

jumaune said...

if i was Rosa Parks at that time i would do the same thing she did and say no because i already paid my fair and the segragration needs to stop and then i would just wait for the police to take me off the bus

marseille said...

if i was asked to get off the bus, i would refuse. but first i would ask why,if its for a stupid reason i would not get up

Zippora said...

I would say no becase it is not fair tobe discremenated like that,just because im black. I would be scared to get sent to jail because of a seat on a bus. If I had paid my share up front I shouldnt have to get off and get back the bus back way or as they would say the black way and wereever im siting at that is were want to stay.

solei said...

if i was rosa parks then i would have done the same thing that rosa parks had done. the reason i would have done that is cause no one has to look at the color of people. there is no reason for people to look at the color because they are the same as everyone else and they should have the same rights as with poeple had they are only a different color not aliens or whatever else people used to call people like rosa parks. all i am trying to say is that ALL PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE EQUAL RIGHTS.

Allen said...

I was Rosa Park i would ask the bus driver if i was white i bet you would not make me get up i bet if i was white we would not be here so why don't you just let me sit here and if he said no i would of said under the 13th and 14th absentminded all black,white,yellow,brow all Americans born in the U.S.A are suppose to be treated even so I would sit there until they took me off.

***Kiyah** said...

If i was Rosa Parks...i would ask the bus the bus driver why? do i have to get up.I do not have to get up if i was here first.In tell him to start driving this bus..In i can sit where ever i want i want to..In he needs t STOP yelling at me...THANK YOU!

Joi said...

If I was on the bus and the driver said get off.I would say why theres a seat over there.And if he said I'm getting the cops I would stay there is no need to move when the white man is sitting.I would say guess I'm going to jail

Kiya said...

If i was Rosa Parks i would say no if the bus driver told me to move because blacks need freedom and that we should get equal respect and i would just sit there like i didn't hear anything and i don't care how many times he said get up.

Malena said...

If I was Rosa Parks I would stay calm and ignore the bus driver. If the bus driver was really mad and told me to get off I would say no. Then he would call the police. The police asked me why I didn't get off. What's the point of getting off if the white man already have his seat.

~Alexis~ said...

I would say no because it would not be fair for me to move just because a white man wanted to sit there. I would also not use any violence. if he called the poice, I would let him and i would get arrested.

maneisha said...

If i were Rosa i would've said could you wait until i get off the bus.You be fine standing for a couple of minutes.The man had already had a seat so i wouldnt need to get up.The bus driver was race.Segregation is what its called if i just got up then who would sit in my seat if there was no one else getting on there would just be an empty seat there so i'd stay were i was instead of stand up or move to the back.But i would get off if the police told me to get off.

De'Asia* said...

If i was Rosa Parks i would tell him can you what in till I of the bus i payed my fair. Why is it because i'm black i should not be judge by my color.I would not get up.

Rashon said...

If that was me than i would ask why i should get up off my seat. I will stay in my seat in till he calls the police and the police take me away because i would be makeing a difference to everyone around the country

Simone said...

if i was rosa parks i would have stayed in my seat because I'm black and I was on the side i was suppose to be on the man that got on he had already got a seat to sit in so why did i have to move. the other people got up i wasn't gonna get up because he was sitting down before the bus driver had got up to tell me to move. rosa did the right thing by not getting smart wit h the bus driver because that would have started a lot of drama then what it already was so when the police came i would have said that the man was already sitting so why did i have to get up it was a lot of other seats open s why couldn't he just sit in another seat. I'm not saying that rosa was right but he had another seat to sit at.

Jordan said...

If I was rosa I would just sit there and I would said you do not have the right to make me get of and you can make me give up my sit just cause Im white and if the police tried to come and get me I would tell them that I choose for my self and you do not have the right to tell me to move and can not make do something I do not want to do just cause you think you in charge and you think you are the boss of me but I have all rights not to move

Dixie Lee said...

If I was Rosa i would do almost exactly what she did i would stay completely calm and when the police tried to arrest me I would stick out my wrist and let them.

erriel said...

if I was Rosa Parks I would stay in the seat and let the bus driver call the police and find a way to stop all the black people from riding the bus

jaylah said...

if i was rosa parks i would have told them the reason I didn't get up is because the white man is no better than anyone on the bus. And when the police came i would have told them next time you're on the bus you get up for the white people that is standing.

Yezenia said...

If I was Rosa Parks and the bus driver asked or told me to get of the bus I would react the same way Rosa did. I would refuse to move from the seat I was in because it is unjust to have me move for someone else when I was there first. If he tried to move me by force I would resist. If he threatened me with getting the police I would tell him to go ahead and that I'd hope to be arrested for standing up for my rights as a United States citizen.

Malik said...

IF i was rosa parks i would stayed in my seat because every one should be treated equally .

Evan said...

if i was Rosa Parks i would say i would not move because the man that needed the seat had one so why do i need to get up.and ask him do i have to move because of my race

summer said...

If i was Rosa parks
i would move like he said and move to a seat in the front and stay there. I would not move at all and would have had to go to jail for not listening.
I would go to church and protest to the people to do what i did to be able to ride the bus without disrespect.

matthew said...

if the bus driver told me to get of the bus i would get of and go around to the back of the bus and forget all about what happen. so the next time you the bus driver asks you to get of just do it would`nt bug you to do it just do it with no violence. thats what i would do if i was rosa parks.

melody said...

If i was Rosa Park and the bus driver ask me to get off the bus. I would of said NO and if he tried to grab or hit me would of block his hits.iF He called the police and they ask me to get of i would of got off.

Asyah said...

If i was Rosa Park i would ask the man whats wrong with me sitting here that man can go to the back it alot of sits back there an if he would hand put his hands on me i would have went down to the courts and press charges against the bus driver. when the police came i still wouldn't get up they would have to pull me off the bus an i would just have to go to jail an pay the fine......

jerri. said...

I would say calmly, sorry sir but i cant give up my seat do what you have to do but I'm going to stand up for what's right for me and the rest of my fellow americans that want the same freedom as the whites and i would also say do you think that is fair if i give up my seat for a white person and he's not over me or anything he's the same equal as me so therefore i don't think i should have to give my seat.

Deija said...

If I was Rosa Parks and the bus driver told me to move, I would tell the bus driver ''No'' and if he tries grabbing my arm then I would defend himself and still sit at my seat. If the bus driver called the police offices then I would tell them about the segregation laws and the discrimination against black people.

Anonymous said...

If I was Rosa Parks and the bus driver told me to get off the bus and go to the back then I would have done so the first time like Rosa. But if it happened the second time I would have sat down and not said anything and if the driver came at me with such anger I would have been mad and upset and I would have just sat there and gave him an attitude and I would tell him to just stop wasting everyones time and to do his job and drive the bus.

meya said...

If i was Rosa Parks i would gat off the bus becuase i don't know what the busman would do to me. If that happen to me agan and agan, i would say no to him becuase no body like to be segred. If you want stop the things that are not good go on and do some thing about it.

Aundria said...

If I was in that time period I would have done just the same as Rosa Parks and keep my seat but I would not have let them arrest me I would have spoke up for myself and said that was not fair and that I have the same rights as white people and that everyone is equal and should be treated with the same treatment. And that nobody will make me move.I also would have said that segregation laws were highly unfair and unjust and no person should be treated badly because of their skin color. Finally I would ask how would you feel if you where the one who was separated and hated by others due to your skin color?

Dylan said...

If he asked me to get off the bus, I would tell him no and I don't care if you get me arrested.

Randyyyy said...

if i was rosa parks i would have sat back in my seat and just let them arrest me and keep doing the same thing

Sierra said...

I would have said "No, sir." and held my seat. Then , if he said it again I would start to sing about freedom and I would continue to sit. If, he touched me I would just deal with it and continue to sing and sit back down if he moved me from my seat. If anything would have happened in which I had been physically injured i would sing louder and I would stay exactly where I was until the police came and then I would follow them still singing my song. My freedom song.

Jaqua Jaqua said...

If I was in Rosa Parks position and the bus driver told me to get off the bus I would say no. Then I would ask why.

Alana said...

If I was Rosa Paks and the bus driver asked me to get off I would not move. I would say that if no one else needs a seat then why should I move its my seat and I payed my fair like everyone else. If the driver tried to grab me I would say violence is not the answer, then I would sit back down untill I was arrested.

Sterling said...

I would say no, unless he gave me back my money if not i would not get off and when the cops came and asked me why i didn't get off i would have said that i payed as much money as every other white and black person on the bus so i deserved to stay in my seat.

Marquis said...

If someone told me to get off the seat because im black i would take my money back and get off the bus if i cant get my money back and i get arrested i world get me a lawyer to get me out of jail.

Jeff said...

I will not move from this spot. I was here first. Your threats won't bother me. Get the cops if you want. I don't care.

Hannah said...

I would ask why.Because If i was Rosa Parks I would say "I came here first,So why get on, then get off?" If he calls the police, i would've said "Go Ahead, I have a reason to sit here."

tyler said...

I will be mad and I will not get up because that will not be right and I will not get back on the bus

alexia said...

If i was Rosa Parks and the men said it up i will get up and sat in the back and sat until i at home.

jameeka said...

IF i was rosa park and the men said get off. I would just set there an if he try to take me off i will push him off then when he go get the police i will tell them im am very tried.

Raykira said...

I would do the same thing she did i would refuse to let a white person.I have the same rights as all the people in the world.

Moraa said...

i would have just sat there and told him to find anither seat.

Raykira said...

I would do the same thing that she did.I would stay where I'm at and not move out of my seat until im where im supposed to be.

Diamoni said...

i would have got off and listened so i would not get arrested. I know she wanted to stand up for her right but I wouldn't be able to take the pain being in jail for any period of time.

EsSeNcE * : ) said...

* I would reject like Rosa Parks Did And Put my foot down and say "Im tried of begin treated this way. Why Do I Have Too Move Is It Because Im Black ? there's no reason i should move i got on the bus before that white man did. he came in stood up so obviously he doesnt have a problem with standing up . : )

Jessie said...

I f i was Rosa Parks and the driver said get off i would say no. They can't force me to sit in a certain spot because of my race.

Darius said...

i would have said i paid my money like everybody else and i would have stayed on the bus

DiAMoNi said...

I would have moved even though she fought for her rights. I wouldn't want to be sent to jail even for something as not serious as that because I would rather not serve time in jail.. that is all I have to say.

jocelyn said...

if i was rosa parkers and the bus driver told me to get off, i would have did the same thing that she did because i don't feel that just because you are a black person, that does'nt mean u have to move for a white person.