Friday, February 13, 2009

Schooled by Paul Langan

If you were Lionel, how would you tell your parents that you were having trouble reading and doing your homework?  What did you like about this book?


Anonymous said...

I would ask my parents if we could talk privately, and then explain to them my concerns. I would admit how poorly I may have been doing and ask ways of how i could be helped.

Anonymous said...

I would tell my parents about my poor reading skills and ask them for a tutor or other ways that could help me improve in school.

Anonymous said...

I would ask if I could stay after so I could get some extra help or I would ask if my parents could hlep me on my reading.

Anonymous said...

I Would Tell My Parents that my teachers have informed me that i'm not passing.If I Were Lionel I Would Of Tried A Little Bit Harder In School.

Anonymous said...

I would've told my parents anyway because if i didnt i would've got in even more trouble and then I'd really be busted.

Anonymous said...

If I had to tell my parents that i'm bad at reading I would ask them to go to a special class and if she can help me read things. I would want my parents to get me a tutor.

Anonymous said...

I would tell my parents about my situation then ask for a tutor or if I could stay after school some days for extra help.

Anonymous said...

(continued) My two favorite parts of Schooled was when Lionel juked Steve and swished his shot and at the end when Lionel got a second chance and was playing ball with his dad.

Anonymous said...

I liked how the book talked about things kids our age enjoy ,like basketball and music. I also liked the characteristics of Lionel and his friends

Anonymous said...

I would tell my parents that if we could have a talk just the three of us. Then I would tell them that I am having trouble reading and if they can get some help. What I liked about the book was that LIonel realized that he made a bad desicion about quiting school.

Anonymous said...

I Liked This Book For Two Reasons. One It Has Life Like Situations. and it makes you feel like your right beside the character as he is living his life in this book. so basically this book is the best that i have ever seen in my entire life.

Anonymous said...

I would just come straight out with it to my parents and what I loved about this book was that it teached me a lesson to not be afraid to say something to your parents and it also taught me a lesson to NEVER drop out of school.

Anonymous said...

If I were Lionel I would have told my parents that I was having trouble in school. I wouldn't have kept it a secret because then I'd just fail and not be able to pursue my dream of being in the NBA. I like the fact that Dontrell is such a good friend to Lionel and that Lionel has such big dreams.

Anonymous said...

I would have told my parents about if I was having trouble after my teacher informed me of the problem and I tried my best to fix it. This book was really good because of all the expense and the end.

Anonymous said...

If I was him I would tell my parents That i need help in reading.And what I liked about the book is that I have the same story basketball and school

Anonymous said...

If I was him I would have bien like'' Mom Dad I have something to tell you I am having trouble readind my skills are poor. Do you think you can get me a tutor and can you help me when my tutor's not around. If I can't read then I can't play ball and can you guys' help me with my homework when your around''. I like this book alot because I know how he is feeling because im havin troubl with my school work and I love playing basketball that is why I like this book.

Anonymous said...

if i was Lionel i would tell my parents that i couldn't or i am having trouble in school with reading and my teacher ask me to read a poem and i needed help.Then i would ask them if they could help me read and study more poems. Second i would sit down with them and read and write down words i was having trouble with and then look them up in a dictionary or on the computer.Then i would ask my mom to quiz me on the words.This is what i would do!!!!!

Anonymous said...

if i was him then i would just tell my mom scraight up and ask her to help me wit my homework every day.i would ask her to pu me and a class that work slow.its a good book,i love reading it to my mom and dad every nite

Anonymous said...

I would definetly show the letter to my dad! Especially if I was geting in trouble both school amd home. I would work harder on my reading level and my reading skills to show my dad i deserve to be a good basketball player and a good student.

Anonymous said...

(continued) My favorite parts so far are when Lionel sees Steve and Coop playing ball and admires them.Also when Lionel sounds out the words it was humorous!

Anonymous said...

if i was lionel i will be like aye mom and dad can I talk to you real quick im havin trouble n skool and i need some help so can you help me solve my problems

Anonymous said...

this book is good too. you never would have expected it to get so suspenseful. And it has a surprising ending!

briana said...

I would ask my parents to help me on my reading skills , or atleast tell my teacher that I dont really know how to read and that i am afraid people would laugh at me.

Teryn Langford said...

I would have told my parents right then when i first started having trouble.Why?.because they could get me help and i wouldn't have no more problems.