Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What are you currently reading and why should someone read it?


Krista said...

I am reading Amulet book 5. It is the coolest book ever. It has different twists about every character. The humans partnered up with the elf prince to stop the evil king. The Amulet keeper was the chosen one to stop the evil.

JaRes said...

i am reading out of my mind by sharon draper

' its about a girl she has mental problems
you should read ijt because its a great bool

Tamia said...

I'm reading powerless it is about a boy named Micheal who is powerless.

Ashley said...

The book I am now reading is Riptide, a sequel to Dark life. It's about how the U.S. would be after many years and is quite interesting as it takes place in the ocean. Each page will surprise you as they include what you wouldn't suspect.

Jade said...

I'm Reading the book Frankenstein I'm only on page 10 because the pages are very long. You should read the book though because it is very interesting and it is about this guy trying to bring this dead person back to live. He also has some help and in the book you read letters he has written to his sister back at home.

Maria said...

Speak is a book about a girl going to high school and all her fiends turn on her so she is nervous. she finds a girl how she starts to talk to, but she had a hard day in most of her classes.

heaven said...

This book is really good it is about a boy that almost killed somebody. Then he turned the gun towards him and was about to kill him-self. Next thing you know, the other boy smacked the gun out of his hand and into a bush. If you want to check it out the book is called Promise to keep

Ashley said...

A book I have read is The Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett. He has wrote many books and is well-known in England. The girl Tiffany Aching has caught the attention of winter, than taking the Summerlady's place and he is killing the sheep. Her adventure first began in his book the Wee Free Men where she discovers that she is a witch of the Chalk.