Friday, January 23, 2009

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne

If you were Shmuel inside the fence, how would you feel when your father disappeared?  If you were Bruno outside the fence, how would you feel about your Commandant father?  If you could change the end of the story, how would it end?


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Anonymous said...

If i could change the story's end I would say that when they start marching that bruno and shmel ease through the crowd and dash out at the moment the gaurds aren't looking to try to get behind a nearby building and a guard quickly turns around to see that they are trying to escape and gets a shot in and bruno gets hit screaming

Anonymous said...

If i was Bruno i would feel betrayed that my own father killed me . I would hate him.

Anonymous said...

If i could change the end of the story i would go inside of the concentration camp and help find Schmuel's father and if we did not find his father i would of went back home and tried again tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

At the end of the story i would change the fact that
Shmell and Bruno died. If i was Bruno I would feel
like an outsider knowing that my dad was the head of the concentration camp. If i was Shmell and i knew that my dad died i would feel sad, scared, and so depressed.

Anonymous said...

If I was able to change the end of the story I would make it so that someone would find them and try to take Schmeal and bruno would fight for him.

Anonymous said...

If I was Shmell I would be sad if my dad was missing. If I could change the story i would let Shmell find his dad and Bruno,Shmell, and his dad escape the tank.

Anonymous said...

If I was able to change the end of the story I would have written that Brunoe and Schmell were mistaken for each other. Brunoe would have to live in the concentration camp and Schmell would be able to live in Brunoe's home and eat well. At the very end Brunoe would realize that his life was not as bad as he thought it was.

Anonymous said...

If I could change the end of the story I would make Bruno go inside of the concentration camp and explore around and let Bruno see who his dad really is and help Schmell find his father and let Schmell escape and him and Bruno can go back to a better place!!

Anonymous said...

If I could change the end of the story I would make Bruno go inside of the concentration camp and explore around and let Bruno see who his dad really is and help Schmell find his father and let Schmell escape and him and Bruno can go back to a better place!!

Anonymous said...

if i was Bruno I would not have went into the concentration camp after seeing what they did to Shmell. I actually think that Shmell knew what was going to happen when the whistle blew, and did not tell Bruno. If I could change the ending I would have made it to where they thought they were going to die and when they got in there clean water actually came out instead on gas.

Anonymous said...

If I were to change the ending of the story, then I would make sure Bruno and Schmell live and find a way to make their own food, water, and a way to live in a camping tent, but not search for their fathers.

Anonymous said...

At the end of the story I would change that Bruno wouldn't die.I would say Bruno found out the his dad
was a very bad man because he killed people.So Bruno and Schmell would make a plan to bring down the his dads camp.Brunos father would find out what he is doing is bad so he stops the camp and lets the people go.Everybody would try to bring down hitler.

Anonymous said...

If I could change the ending of the story I would have had schmell and bruno both live , because seeing two little boys die is just so sad. And if I was bruno's dad Iwould be asamed of my self for killing my only son!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that bruno shouldnt forced him to eat the food. Also shumule have asked bruno to come inside the fence.Shmule should have not talked to the Bruno when he was in the kitchin . then the gurd wouldnt have came.

Anonymous said...

This story is very happy and sad at the same time.It is very good that Brono has made a friend. I fell sorry for the boy in the consuntration came because he lost his father in a sad and in a horrible way. If I could change the end of the story it would end like this.
Both of the friends find a way out of the room before the gas starts to come, they get out thanks to the little
boy's exploring skills. That is how I would change the end of the story.

Anonymous said...

If i would change the end of the story i would say....
Bruno & Schamel went went marching be hide the people but then they had a chance to get out and both of them escaped from the consintration camp and ran away and they lived with it other as for the Bruno family they would look for him and wonder for the rest of there lives.

Anonymous said...

If i could change the ending i would have sent a soldier to free the bruno and shmuel from the gas

Anonymous said...

If i could change the story I would make sure everybody breaks out,finds ishmels dad and go back to bruno's house to live together. Then they would stop the camps because his dad realized that they were wrong and he almost killed his son

Anonymous said...

if i was smell i would leave the camp and look for my father

Anonymous said...

at the end i would let them live and escape the death bus. Than let Shmell find his dad. And let Bruno and Shmell live free.

Anonymous said...

At the end I would have it that they stop the gas due to lightning and they find Shmell dad in Bruno's kitchen cleaning dishes for the arrival of Hitler.

Anonymous said...

If i was the boy in the fence i would be worried,sad and lonley.

Anonymous said...

At the end I would make it to where Bruno's father reconised him and told them to wait. Then he gets his son and his sons freind then continued with the killing after they left.

Anonymous said...

If I could change the story I would change the ending. I would change that Bruno acted like he didn't know scheul. Also I wouldn't make the gas tanks blow up and bruno schuel get rescued. Then Bruno and his family would let schuel live in with them.

Anonymous said...

If i would change the ending of the story i would say'' Bruno would tell his father he lied and he did know him and he wanted him out of the concentration camp.

Anonymous said...

I would change it were Bruno's mom did not drink and did not leave to look for her son Schmell and Bruno would find Schmell father and Bruno got out of the camp and told his dad that he was lieing and that he did know the boy and i love you.

Anonymous said...

I would change it were Bruno's mom did not drink and did not leave to look for her son Schmell and Bruno would find Schmell father and Bruno got out of the camp and told his dad that he was lieing and that he did know the boy and i love you.

Anonymous said...

I would change it were Bruno's mom did not drink and did not leave to look for her son Schmell and Bruno would find Schmell father and Bruno got out of the camp and told his dad that he was lieing and that he did know the boy and i love you.

Anonymous said...

If I could change the ending one of the souldiers would recognize Bruno and take him to his house his dad would take in schmuel

Anonymous said...

I would change the end to that Bruno and Schumel it would be that they went into the room and they were killed but , before the soldiers cremeated the bodies as they were taking the pajamas off they would find Bruno's body and would take it back to their home to his father and tell him that he was found dead in the concentration camp

Anonymous said...

I would have changed that they died. I dont think Bruno or Schmell deserved to get killed, especially not so unexpectedly. I also think the the guard should of found them.

Anonymous said...

If i would change the ending of the story i would say'' Bruno would tell his father he lied and he did know him and he wanted him out of the concentration camp.

Anonymous said...

If I was Shmuel inside the fence and my father disapeared, I would be worried, depressed, and frightened. I mean like who knows what would of happened. He could've gotten killed or maybe he escaped and left his family there to die. If I was Bruno outside the fence I would be FURIOUS towards my Commandant father. Why? Because he doesn't seem to care at all and if I got no affection from him I would just want to run away from home or die than to receive nothing. If I could change the ending then I would change it that the boys instead of going into the gas room I would've had them escape to go look for Shmell's father.

Anonymous said...

If I were Schmuel I would be disapointed that I couldn't find my father. But I wouldn't be so surprised of him disappearing. If I were Bruno my dad giving orders to kill people would make me angry . If I could change the ending Bruno and Schmuel would run and both would live at Bruno's house.

Anonymous said...

Loved this book! I didn't like what Bruno's father did as a job and I hated how Bruno and his sister didn't have anyone to play with. I felt so bad for the people in the concentration camp. It was almost fitting the way it ended. It made Bruno's father feel what so many others felt when their loved ones experienced what his son had experienced. Sad,, sad, sad.

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